Maintaining a healthy diet Research suggests that a poor nutritional state impairs immune function and increases susceptibility to disease, while getting sick may also worsen nutritional status. Consuming a balanced, whole-foods diet supports overall health and immune function. The table below summarizes immune-supportive dietary components and their food sources.
What is the immune system? The immune system is the body’s primary defense mechanism against potentially harmful invaders, such as pathogens, antigens, and immunogens. The immune system is made up of various cells, tissues, and substances, including the skin, red and white blood cells, microbiota, antibodies, and cytokines (cell-signaling molecules). The immune system’s defenses are […]
Cannabidiol (CBD) “Can I get high from CBD?” I get asked this by patients all the time. The short answer is no. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most common active phytocannabinoid found in cannabis and it is primarily responsible for the psychoactive effects or “high” experienced after cannabis consumption. While cannabis products containing THC will […]
My 8 Top Favorite Immune Boosters (Sans The Antibiotics) Antibiotics are a good thing. They save lives every day. They contribute to a longer lifespan, better quality life, and less threatening infections. In the last few decades, we have seen the reduction of infant and maternal deaths from infections in the delivery room during childbirth. […]
We are marching into spring. Today is one of the best days as we get more sunlight to enjoy longer days and more sunsets, yet we lose an hour or two of sleep. To know me is to know I preach the importance of a good night rest. Go to bed earlier to adjust the […]