Chong Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine is a holistic Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Clinic located in Encinitas (North County), San Diego, California, focused on treating women-specific health issues. We treat patients using integrative acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbal therapies, and energy work to restore their health to its natural state and achieve the highest possible quality of life with harmony and balance.
Our expertise is focused on treating women’s hormonal balance, irregular periods, fertility, pregnancy, prenatal care, postnatal care, menopause, mental and emotional balancing, and pain management.
Our Encinitas Acupuncture expert and head TCM practitioner, Dr. Siatnee (pronounced See et nee) Chong, is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) and a licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac). Dr. Chong takes her time to work one-on-one with you and every patient. She will ask questions to understand your condition best, offer quality treatment plans, and explain how acupuncture, TCM, Chinese herbs, and energy work while providing healing care to resolve your women’s health concerns. This is done in a very relaxed environment where you can de-stress your mind and body while reducing and eliminating your pain.
Our serene and calm Chong Medicine Clinic is located in the coastal town of Encinitas (North County San Diego), with an ocean breeze coming up the canyon, bringing clarity and healing to our environment. We are located at the California Institute for Human Science, where healing positive energy is abundant. We are just minutes from the I-5 freeway and Coast Highway 101. We serve patients from all over San Diego and Southern California. To the south are Cardiff-By-The-Sea Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and La Jolla. North of us are Carlsbad and Oceanside. San Marcos, Vista, Rancho Santa Fe, and Carmel Mountain are to the east. Some of our patients come from as far as Tijuana, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara (now with telemedicine nationwide and worldwide). We have ample parking available in our very safe and well-lit parking lot. If you can’t attend our Encinitas Chong Medicine clinic in person, we also offer Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and energy work via telemedicine with Zoom.
We are accepting new patients. We do not take health insurance, but we can provide superbill after your visit.
Each one of us has the innate ability to heal ourselves. When our body is constantly on the ‘fight-or-flight’ (sympathetic) stress response, our nervous system cannot completely relax and self-repair. Over time, our body fails to repair itself correctly and we get sick. Using acupuncture, I activate various body points to send in oxygen and blood to heal a specific location, telling it to repair, regenerate, and rejuvenate. I may combine other modalities such as Cupping (Myofascial Decompression), Tui Na (Manipulative Therapy), Gua Sha (instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization), Moxa, energy work or herbs to activate and assist your body in self-repair.
– Dr. Siatnee Chong, Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, DACM
Women’s Health and Wellness
The World Health Organization (WHO) has a list of conditions that studies have shown to successfully treatable by acupuncture. Acupuncture continues to grow in popularity because of its safety and efficacy.
Some conditions we treat here include:
Arthritis/Joint Pain
Back Pain
Bladder Issues
Brain & Nervous System
Digestive System & Metabolism
Female Reproductive Health (PCOS, PMS, Fertility, IVF/IUI, Pregnancy, Post partum)
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gynecological Disorders
Heart & Circulatory
Heart Problems/Palpitations
High Blood Pressure
Inflammation and Immune System Deficiency
Knee Pain
Kidneys & Urinary Tract
Lung & Respiration
Menopausal Symptoms
Muscular-skeletal Injuries
Physical Pain
Psycho-emotional State
Premenstrual Syndrome
Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Skin Disorders
Stroke Rehabilitation
Discover the 6 Major
Menstrual Mishaps
Nurturing New Mothers: My Approach to Postpartum Depression and Insomnia
Postpartum depression and insomnia can be incredibly challenging, especially for new mothers adjusting to the demands of parenthood. Imagine feeling constantly down, struggling to find joy in daily activities, and then compounding that with the inability to get a...
To Learn How Chong Acupuncture Can Treat Your Specific Condition, Call Today for a Phone Consultation:
760-517-8878 | BOOK AN APPOINTMENT
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