How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) supports Infertility

How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) supports Infertility

Infertility affects approximately 10 to 15% of couples. The causes of Infertility may vary in a wide range, but both male and female infertility has been linked to hormonal dysfunction. In allopathic or Western medicine, testing levels of hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone, can all assist in identifying […]

Chinese medicine is the key to a healthier, balanced, PMS-free life.

Chinese medicine is the key to a healthier, balanced, PMS-free life.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a group of physical and emotional symptoms linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms usually occur during the 5-10 days prior to menses and disappear either shortly before or after the start of menstrual flow. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, but each woman’s individual pattern of symptoms is typically […]

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