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Intro video

Intro video

Here is a video made to showcase some of our services. It was made in 2016 and although some new services have been included since, this is still good to share: Intro video

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Fall is here. We lose 1 hour but can gain better health.

I can't believe how fast summer came and went. How can it be Fall already? Time flies when you are busy and living life. My life gets busy too. This summer I started working on my PhD. I'm always trying to learn, improve myself, my skills and practice so I can serve...

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Summer is here

Summer is in full swing and it is going by too fast. The energy is hot, heavy and full of joy. Everything is in bloom during summer and you should be too. Check out my summer guide. Read on: Summer is here Newsletter

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Anxiety and Depression: Chinese Medicine perspective

Anxiety and Depression: Chinese Medicine perspective

Anxiety and Depression: Chinese Medicine perspective. Chinese Medicine categorizes organs into five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). When the Qi is balanced, the flow between each organ is smooth. When there is an imbalance due to injury, stress, poor nutrition or toxic chemicals, the flow of Qi becomes disrupted.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture has been proven to work for over 2,500+ years.

To Learn How Chong Acupuncture Can Treat Your Specific Condition, Call Today for a Free Phone Consultation:

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STAY IN THE KNOW / Serious about your health goals...

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