Acupuncture Treatment help with Pregnancy-Related Symptoms
Acupuncture involves the insertion of anesthetic needles in the body at specific points. It is used to treat various pregnancy-related symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue.
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea during pregnancy. In a study published by the British Medical Journal, it was found that acupuncture offered relief in 78% of women suffering from morning sickness who had tried at least three other methods before this treatment option.
Acupuncture during Prenatal
Prenatal care with acupuncture can help pregnant women in many ways. The goal of acupuncture during pregnancy is to strengthen the mother’s immune system and promote health and happiness for the baby-to-be.
Other benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy include:
- reduction of morning sickness
- induction of labor and delivery
- prevention and treatment of depression
- alleviation of dental pain
- relief from constipation
A recent study found that 70% of expecting mothers had reduced pain after receiving acupuncture. Acupressure can also be used during pregnancy to help with emotional support, as well as general pain relief during childbirth (you should talk with your doctor before using acupressure)
Acupuncture is a lot safer than many of the other traditional remedies that some pregnant women may use. It can in fact be used to help with many aspects of pregnancy, including nausea, morning sickness, pain relief, and fertility.
- Park J, Sohn Y, White A, & Lee J (2014). The safety of acupuncture during pregnancy: a systematic review. Acupuncture Med
- Soliday E PhD & Hapke P LAc (2013). Research on Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth: The U.S. Contribution. Medical Acupuncture
- Niemtzow C MD, PhD, MPH., et al (2019). Acupuncture During Pregnancy: An Expert Discussion. Medical Acupuncture