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Chakra Mantra Project

As part of my research study that will be published, I am carrying out a study on how Mantra meditation can help with stress, anxiety and pain. Mantra chant is, essentially, is a positive self-hypnosis. Traditionally, it has been used for both prayers and affirmations. “OM,” is a traditional mantra that acknowledges all that is, without any form of judgment.
Deepak Chopra’s “the forgotten miracle’ states that the body has an infinite capacity for change and renewal and that we should not ignore this. Every cell is made up of two invisible ingredients: awareness and energy. By bringing awareness and charging the energy, we can lead the body to self-transformation by changing its energy patterns that are the root cause of aging, infirmity and disease.
My study is on Chakra Mantra‘s and this is your personal invitation to participate.
Please join me to learn more about Chakra Mantra, improve your spiritual and physical health. There is no cost and your time commitment is only 3-20 mins a day for 21 days! All your information will be kept 100% private. My goal is to track the benefits of Chakra Mantra thru a formal research study that I can use to help educate more people on its power.
Here are the details:
Mantra will be provided to you. Instructions will be provided via video. You can also purchase the audio on Itunes ($0.99-$1.99). A link will be provided once you sign up.
You are required to take a brief survey before your start day, and only 3 more follow up surveys after that. It’s very simple, powerful and you are going to help more people learn about the amazing Chakra Mantra benefits.
Day 1 – 3: Chant for 5 mins
Day 4 – 6: Chant for 10 mins
Day 7 – 11: Chant for 15 mins
Day 12 – 21: Chant for 20 mins
If you are interested in participating in my research study please email me directly so I can set you up. Please share this opportunity with your friends, family, and others like-minded people that could benefit from Chakra Mantra.
Stress-induced disorders such as anxiety causing bodily pain and other symptoms represent the leading causes of adult disability. Studies have shown that yoga, contemplative practices such as meditation, breathing techniques, certain sound therapy and mantra chant may be effective in the treatment of mood disorders and stress. In this study, feedback on how sound and mantra chant can help to reduce stress, pain levels and anxiety in adults will be collected. Participants will be measured using MYMOP, Perceived Stress Scale, and higher levels of General Well-Being Scale questionnaire. These results will help to measure how sound therapy and chakra mantra chant may be a natural treatment for stress reduction and other pain symptoms.
Thank you much and I hope to hear from you soon!
Sidnee Chong, DACMc, L.Ac
Magic-maker, Wizard
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